Welcome to Effective Termination Decisions. Once you have
completed the online material and participated in the workshop you will be
able to articulate practices to do with employment decisions including whether
staff should be terminated or not.
In this module you will read a series of real-life on-farm
situations and consider the following questions while you read: 1. Does the behaviour warrant instant dismissal? 2. Does the behaviour breach farm policy? 3. Is further training an option to correct the
behaviour? 4. Has the employer and their onboarding approach
failed in this situation? 5. Would you issue a written warning? What would it
say? 6. Should the police be called?
In the workshop, you will discuss some or all these
situations and questions. You might also bring some real-life experiences to
the workshop and share those with your colleagues.
Before reading the scenarios it’s a great idea to become
familiar with the Fair
Work conditions for Notice and Final Pay. This information might impact
some of your responses to the scenarios and help you shape decisions and
actions that abide by the law.
Select the tile below to work through this module.