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    • Welcome

      Welcome to Managing People. This course focuses on the best approaches for overseeing and working with teams of people. It takes a team of people to run a large and successful business, a farm is no different. Throughout this course, we will read about and discuss strategies that you can apply on your farm when it comes to managing people.

      We are all individuals and have different ways of doing things, leadership is no different. Throughout this course, you will work through case studies and examples of good and poor leadership on farm. We recommend you reflect on these and consider taking the good approaches and using them on your farm.

      The key to becoming a great manager or people leader is to practice these skills and reflect on your approach.

      About this program
      What will you achieve?

      By the end of the program, you will be able to:
      - identify the benefits of people management, leadership and how this can benefit a farm business
      - apply motivation strategies for staff retention
      - identify ways to resolve conflict
      - prepare communication strategies to inform staff about a range of topics from safety through to business development
      - address staff development needs and see the benefits for the farm in doing this
      - identify leadership traits in existing staff and ways to capitalise on this, including recommending further training for staff
      - sort and develop team and individual work goals
      - update position descriptions to align with Pastoral Award classifications
      - plan business resilience strategies around employment on your farm
      - define the benefits of a strong succession plan given the size of your farm business.

      What will you do?
      This program is delivered via a blended model. This means that you will complete a range of learning activities in live formats and in your own time. There are five online modules and five face-to-face workshops.  
      The online modules contain a blend of text, videos, case studies and activities, which will help prepare you for the online workshops. In the workshops, you will explore the content in more detail and will need to draw on your existing experience as well as the material you have read online.
      - Module 1 - A People Approach
      - Module 2 - Engaging People
      - Module 3 - Managing Staff Performance
      - Module 4 - Working Together
      - Module 5 - Planning for the Future
      At first glance, it may seem like a lot, but you will quickly find that many activities take just minutes to perform. The emphasis in this program is on gaining a wide range of experience in order to decide for yourself the best approach for managing people in your farm business.

      Who is this program for?
      This course is aimed at anyone that currently manages a team of dairy farm employees or plans to manage a team. The course provides direct approaches for managing team members and strategies for expanding your farm business, using a people approach.

      Completing this program
      As this program is delivered online, you can complete the majority of learning activities in your own time and at your own pace. Five live workshops will be scheduled to provide a face-to-face opportunity for you to consolidate your learning with other farmers. The dates and times for these sessions are listed within the Online Workshops tile. There is approximately 30-60 minutes worth of content per module.

      Who will you learn with?

      This course has been put together with the help of the following experts:
      Tracy Lloyd
      Tracy Lloyd brings over 25 years’ experience working with employers on workforce issues across a range of sectors including the dairy industry. Tracy has worked for the Victorian Apprenticeship Commission to support employers and their apprentices and managed a successful team of remote trainers across Australia to deliver workplace training for various industry sectors including the national rollout of the Euthanize Livestock program for Dairy Australia. Tracy has a passion for good governance, industry training and recruitment.

      Di Gresham
      Di Gresham has a varied dairy industry background both over 20 years as a dairy farmer and more recently as an advisor on HR and WHS topics. Her experience includes holding a number of industry roles in addition to the delivery of an extensive range of programs including computer training and the rollout of the Young Dairy Network nationally. Di enjoys supporting farmers as they navigate their way through strengthening their on-farm compliance and employee management.

      You can find supporting resources for navigating Enlight, Zoom and more in the 'Resources section'. 
      Familiarise yourself with online learning and the key elements for your success in this program

    • This course was created with additional funding from Dairy UP.

    • That's it for the Welcome information. If you want to begin reading the content access the first module A People Approach.