Clarify information for the case study

Clarify information for the case study

Bởi Heather Cameron -
Số lượng các câu trả lời: 1

Tocal dairy is feeding 6kg in the bail.  Is the feeding system computerised for individual cow feeding?

How many cows an hour are being milked? 

Is there equipment and staff available for pre-grazing mowing?

Is there infrastructure to subdivide the paddocks for holding pasture back?

Để phản hồi tới Heather Cameron

Re: Clarify information for the case study

Bởi Lucy Galt -
I had similar questions Heather.
The questions I had were
- timing of feed distribution and whether cows were still eating pasture selectively waiting for the fence to be shifted and therefore not eating the less palatable pastures.
- how the stand off areas were been managed if cows were been held back before given access to pasture
- the labour available to shift fences etc and if technologies such as virtual fencing were considered or been used.