Program Overview

It is important that everyone on the farm knows the signs of heat, including employees.

The best heat detection programs start with careful timing, good observation and the effective and considered use of detection aids. Distinguishing and interpreting cow behaviour and other signs is critical. Farm owners should commit to training and refreshers for the farm team and keep good records if they are to improve.

Dairy Australia runs regular Heat Detective discussion groups through each Regional Development Program for those interested in learning from industry experts and other farmers about how to improve heat detection.

These are two hour, interactive, on-farm discussions which cover all aspects of heat detection, heat detection aids, AI timing and dispel a few common myths.

The period before mating begins offers an opportunity to practise heat detection skills, check for cows not detected on heat and anticipate when cows may next come on heat. This is a good time for farm team training. Experienced and capable people should work with and help less experienced team members to interpret signs of heat.

For best results, combine paddock checks with the use of aids to look for signs and indicators of heat.

 Duration: 2 hours

At the end of this program, you will be able to...

  • get cows and semen in the right place at the right time
  • understand how biology of cow links with strategies used to detect heat

How do I sign up to participate? Contact your local region

Fa'asa'oga mulimuli: Rātapu, 7 Poutū-te-rangi 2021, 9:26 AM