Program Overview
Working with dairy cattle can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling role, though like any job, understanding the basic principles behind how to operate safely and effectively makes a big difference to the wellbeing of both staff and animals on farm.
This module is part of the 90 day Journey onboarding program, and introduces the basic skills and behaviours needed for working with livestock, promoting awareness about animal behaviour and best practice handling techniques.
The module has been developed for people who have limited experience in working with livestock, but it's still suitable for anyone that works with dairy cattle.

Delivery Mode: Online Duration: 1/2 hour

At the end of this program, you will be able to...

  • Outline why proper livestock handling, providing best care for animals and safety is important when working in dairy farming.
  • Describe why providing best care for all our animals is important to the farm and the dairy industry.
  • Develop an understanding of the approach to safe and effective livestock handling.
  • Describe the key hazards associated with handling livestock on commercial dairy farms.
  • Describe the skills and attitude that are sought by dairy farm business employers to promote a safe working environment for livestock and people.

How do I sign up to participate? Register here

Terakhir diubah: Senin, 2 Agustus 2021, 21:57