In this module, you’ll develop the skills and capabilities you’ll need to assess your farm business' current position.  

The 'Now-Where-How-Review' Business Planning Cycle - find more detail on page 2 of the QuickPlan workbook

Once you’ve completed the activities in this module, you’ll be able to: 
  • Describe the concept of business performance 
  • Conduct a situational analysis of your farm using the SWOT method. 

To complete the activities in this module, you'll need:

  • Your Our Farm, Our Plan (OFOP) Online Course Participant Guide
  • A SWOT analysis template - find this in your OFOP folder

Click 'play' to start the clip below: 



In this section of the course, you’ll conduct a business self-assessment using the Farm Fitness Checklist.  

Watch the clip below. It provides a brief overview of the Farm Fitness Checklist.



It’s time for you to conduct your own business assessment by working through the Farm Fitness Checklist. Remember, the information your business self-assessment provides gives you confidence that the plans you make are achievable and realistic. Giving an honest rating of how you think you are placed across each aspect is the key to this.
The best thing to do would be to work through the checklist with your business partner and any other people who are directly involved in decision-making for your farm business.  

You’ll notice that there are a number of different areas of your farm and life that the checklist encourages you to assess. When you’re moving through the different sections of the checklist, you might like to physically move to the area that you’re assessing. For instance, to the dining room when you’re up to the “Us” section of the checklist, or out on to the farm when you’re at “The Farm” section of the checklist.  

In this section of the module, you’ll learn how to conduct a SWOT analysis. Watch the clip below – it details what a SWOT analysis is, and how it can be used to analyse a business. 

Granted, the clip didn’t feature a farm business. Despite this, you can still apply the broad concept to your situation. 

How to Conduct a SWOT Analysis?

You’ve built a deeper understanding of SWOT analysis

Now, let’s use what you discovered through the Farm Fitness Checklist to conduct a SWOT analysis of your farm business. You’ll identify: 

  • The strengths of you farm business that you can build on 
  • Any weaknesses you’ll want to correct or avoid 
  • The opportunities you can take advantage of 
  • Any threats to your farm business that you can address or mitigate 

While conducting your SWOT analysis, think back to what you learned in Module One about the three levels of decision making - operational, tactical and strategic - your SWOT may include aspects from one or more of these levels. 

You will find a SWOT chart on page 18 of the Farm Fitness Checklist Booklet (in your OFOP folder).  
Read through the example below to get you started, then take some time to work through each section of the SWOT analysis. Don't forget to come back to complete the last part of the module!

In Module Two, we explored business assessment and a couple of really useful tools that you can use to assess you own farm business. 

You've covered how to:

  • Describe the concept of business performance. 
  • Complete a Farm Fitness Checklist to assess your farm business’s current performance. 
Conduct a situational analysis of your farm using the SWOT method.

Don't forget to attend the online workshop for this module!  You’ll be covering the following with a group of your peers and the course facilitator: 

  • Your reflection on the Farm Fitness Checklist - What did you find out through the farm fitness checklist that surprised you? Concerned you? Reassured you?  
  • You'll conduct a SWOT analysis for your region 
  • Extra activity: Peer review of your SWOT 

Last modified: Thursday, 22 April 2021, 4:34 PM