Online courses can be just as rich and rewarding as face-to-face courses and provide several benefits not always possible with a face-to-face learning experience. There are some important key elements for your success in this program:

  1. Read the all-course resource documents (instruction, expectations, work descriptions, and so on).  

  2. Have clear expectations. Online courses are convenient because we have flexibility about when to do the work, but they take just as much time than a face-to-face course. 

  3. Begin building relationships right away. Please make sure you post your self-introduction so that we can get to know each other. As others join the platform, please read their introductions, too. This will be important for ensuring our face to face sessions are comfortable and productive. 

  4. Participants who set aside several short sessions throughout the week, at consistent times and days, have the most success in online courses. Please work around your schedule and if you have the ability, identify regular opportunities to complete the coursework each week.
  5. Because online courses require a written ‘presence’ and participation, it is recommended that you add required work to your calendar and work ahead on them a little each week, rather than try to knock them out all at once. 
  6. Ask questions. In an online course, the instructor can't see your confusion or frustration. Do not wait until the work is due to ask for clarification. Office drop in sessions are available each Monday from 4-5pm where you can discuss any questions via phone or email with the course facilitator. Please find the contact details in the welcome section. 

  7. Check and make sure you have the access to resources you need. 
  8. Ensure you save all work (for online and face-to-face courses) on a flash drive; that way if your computer goes down you are still able to easily pick up from where you finished. 

  9. Read all announcements (News Forum posts) in the course. They will often have notices of changes or instructions on upcoming events. 

  10. Use the course question and answer forum. This forum allows you to get answers from the instructor and colleagues about general course topics. 


Last modified: Friday, 26 February 2021, 10:45 AM