1.      How long will this take?
a.      Allow 15 minutes for each section and 30 mins for the last section (People Leadership & Communication)

2.      Who does this tool assist?
a.      The Learning Plan tool applies to everyone who is considering their future and career path, especially within the Dairy farming industry.

3.      How does this tool apply to me?
a.      By answering the questions within each section, you will gain feedback on your current capability and identify the next learning options available to you, creating your customised career plan.

4.      How do I use the tool?
a.      Within the Dairy Learning Plan, there is a downloadable temple for you to use as your guide to your learning options for the next 3, 6 or 12 months.
b.      Download the template and complete it with the learning options that have been identified for you, in the order you choose.

5.      What do I do with the tool once I complete it?
a.      Once you have identified your learning options that will assist you in furthering your capabilities in each section, you can discuss with your manager or career advisor for further assistance.

6.      How often do I need to use the tool?
a.      You could use the tool as often as you need. Every 3, 6 or 12 months would be ideal or even when you have completed new learning options. It has been designed to keep you on track for your future career plans.

Last modified: Wednesday, 7 February 2024, 4:28 PM