You can only know if the cash and profit made are what you believe is just a reward for your time and effort. Always take note of what happened on your farm in that year that might skew the data, will it continue, and is it something that you can control?
with the numbers that use most data to be generated, is the farm profitable
enough, does it generate enough cash? Are you looking to drastically change
something, or is it about tweaking/getting back on track? Then you can look at
individual cost categories, ratios per kg/MS, per cow, and per Ha.
How do you compare to other farms based on an overall farm, the number of cows you have, how much milk you produce, and how much land you have? This will give you areas to ask further questions.
What stood out and why? Even a yellow light might be
something to look into because this could be an area where you might be outside
the norm. The traffic lights are not a scorecard, e.g more green you get the
better your performance. It is a snapshot that is asking “Does this look ok to
Last modified: Wednesday, 5 January 2022, 9:24 AM