Use the Farm Business Snapshot that you created earlier to input your farm data. 
If you'd prefer to have a go with example data, enter the information below into the Farm Business Snapshot

Land Resource

Total Usable Farm Area  ha 137
Milking Area ha 110
Number of Milkers 178
Volume litres 1,504,062
Milksolids kg 120,522


Milk Income $ 806,454
Livestock Income $ 45,000
Feed Sales $ 0
Water Sales $ 0
Total Cash Income $ 851,454
Other Farm Income $ 0
Other Non-farm Income $ 2,971
Income Non-Farm Total $ 2,971

Variable Costs

Herd Costs
AI & Herd Test $ 9,066
Animal Health $ 13,687
Calf Rearing $ 3,146
Other Herd Costs $ 0
Expense Herd Total $ 25,899
Shed Costs
Shed Power $ 18,090
Dairy Supplies $ 10,850
Other Shed Costs $ 0
Expense Shed Total 28,940
Feed Costs
Fertiliser $ 59,065
Water Purchase $ 0
Other Irrigation Costs $ 15,687
Hay & Silage $ 8,545
Fodder Purchase $ 34,469
Concentrates Purchase $ 170,149
Other Feed Purchase $ 0
Pasture & Cropping $ 3,593
Fuel & Oil $ 7,594
Agistment Cost $ 0
Other Feed Costs $ 0
Total Feed Cost $ 299,102

Overhead Costs

Cash Overhead Costs
Rates $ 3,113
Farm Insurance $ 8,808
Motor Vehicle Expenses $ 0
Repairs & Maintenance $ 20,610
Paid Labour $ 110,000
Other Overhead Costs $ 8,936
Total Cash Overheads $ 151,467

Non-Cash Costs

Feed Inventory Change $ -8,900
Water Inventory Change $ 0
Livestock Inventory Change 3,600
Depreciation $ 25,000
Imputed Labour $ 87,360

Finance Costs

Finance Costs
Interest Cost $ 35,687
Lease Cost $ 56,234
Total Finance Cost $ 91,921
Capital Purchases
Livestock Purchases $ 10,000
Capital Purchases $ 250,000
Other Cash Outgoings
Principal Repayments $ 0
Owner Drawings $ 50,000

If you prefer you can download the same dataset as an Excel document
Last modified: Friday, 10 September 2021, 1:17 PM