Text-based instructions - Video script:
- From the dataset home screen select Create Dataset
- Name your Dataset and give a brief description.
- Because it is your first Dataset it will automatically be numbered
- Select your Dairy Farming region from the dropdown menu
- And the year your data is for
- The privacy setting is important. By selecting the ? you can view the definitions of the privacy setting.
- Finally select the Prefill with data section. This allows you to pull data from existing datasets, for example, previous year's data. This will save you time populating fields where your information does not change from year to year. Today I will select Blank Farm Dataset
- I am now in my Farm Dataset. I can see the name of the Farm at the top of the dataset.
- I can now populate each variable by selecting it and adding in the number for the variable. By moving to the next variable my data will be recorded.
- By selecting each variable title a definition will appear.
- All sections can be accessed via the left-hand menu. Tabs at the top divide Physical and Financial sections, whilst the menu gives access to each sub-section.
- Before leaving ensure you save your dataset by selecting Save in the top menu.

آخری ترمیم: منگل, 16 مارچ 2021, 2:22 PM