The DairyBase Input sheet can be a useful tool when collating your data for DairyBase. The DairyBase input sheet is a text-based version of DairyBase which makes a great starting point for recording input numbers for DairyBase, before you complete the input in the application. Download the DairyBase input sheet and keep it on file. This input sheet can be printed and populated, but is also editable.

Learning Activity:
Download the DairyBase input sheet and populate the physical numbers given in the example below. Smith’s Farm numbers are a partial example and will help you complete more detailed examples later in the course. Smith's Farm is a dryland farm.

Smith’s Farm numbers


- They farm on 350 titled hectares, 65ha of which is non-grazing
They lease another 60 ha of relatively unimproved land.
The measured area of milking area is 165 hectares.
The support grazing areas includes the unimproved 60ha leased and 85ha owned adjacent to the dairy farm but too distant to be used for milking. Therefore, the total support grazing area is 145ha.
The actual milking area would be classed as undulating and the milkers walk about four kilometres per day.
According to the closest weather station measured rainfall in 2016–2017 was 725mm.


Peak milker numbers were 385 briefly but 310 cows were in the herd for three months or more, and therefore must be included.
The opening cow numbers were 315 and the closing cow numbers 280.
Value $ 1400
116 dry cows went off the milking area for 35 days.
Heifers 13 months and older
- The opening number was 100 rising 2 yo to calve and the closing number (last year’s R1’s) was 110. Therefore, the average number grazed on the usable area was 110.
- They stay on the support area until three weeks prior to calving when they move to the milking area.
- Value: $ 1300
Yearlings and calves less than 12 months old
- 120 was the opening number and 100 the closing number of new R1’s.
- There were a few sales so Smith felt that 105 was a reasonable figure as an average for the year.
- These are not run on the milking area at all. They have an early weaning program and spend virtually the whole year on the support area.
Value: $550
Six as opening and closing numbers
- They spend only eight weeks on the milking area, the rest on the support area.
- Value: $ 2000

Finally input these numbers into DairyBase

Last modified: Tuesday, 7 September 2021, 9:47 AM