Sharing datasets with other DairyBase users can be helpful, especially if you want to share your numbers with a farm consultant.
When the file has been shared successfully, the recipient will receive an email saying that the dataset has been shared and that the file will be found within the “Shared User Datasets” section when they open up DairyBase.
For each dataset that you own you have four share authority options, they are:
- Read Only - Allocating ‘read only’ share authority to a user enables them to view the dataset but they cannot make a copy of it in DairyBase or edit the dataset details or data or assign the dataset to anyone else. This option should be utilised if you just want to enable another user to look at your dataset but not make any changes to it. You must be aware that by allocating any level of share authority to a user, including read only, they will have access to the dataset on their computer. Whilst read only prevents them from making a copy in DairyBase or downloading the dataset to excel, they will be able to access all the data in the editor and the reports and this will not prevent them from taking screenshots of the data.
- Copy - ‘Copy’ share authority means the authorised user can make copies of the dataset you have authorised them to access but they cannot edit any part of the dataset or assign share authority to anyone else on your dataset. Once the selected DairyBase user makes a copy of the dataset you have authorised them to access they can then allocate share authority on that copied dataset as they choose. They can therefore, make a copy of your dataset and then provide access to that dataset to other DairyBase users should they choose to do so.
- Edit - Share authority to ‘edit’ a dataset means the assigned user can change any of the data you have entered in the dataset, including the physical data and the financial data. They will also be able to download the input data and reports into an excel file.
- Edit Detail - Share authority to ‘edit detail’ on a
dataset means the authorised user
will be able to change the identifying
details of the dataset, including the
name, description, financial year,
farm Id, privacy setting and whether
it is actual data or a scenario. They
will also be able to view the dataset
but will not be able to edit any
information in the physical or financial
tabs and will not be able to copy the
data, other than via screenshots.
Watch the video which will show you how to action these.
Text-based instructions - Video script:
- Return to the DairyBase login window
- Enter your login credentials, select the tick box, and then select Manage Authorisations
- You will now see all of the data sets you have access to.
- Find the data set you wish to share, select the down arrow button, and then view.
- Select the Blue + button in the top right part of the screen.
- Select the pencil icon under the username column
- Enter the DairyBase email address of the person you wish to share the dataset with
- Select the level of detail that you want to share with the user
- Finally select Save at the bottom of the window.
- You will see a success message appear at the top of the screen.
- You have now shared this dataset
آخری ترمیم: جمعرات, 1 اپريل 2021, 9:50 PM